06 January 2013

Everything in God's Timing

I have never been one to judge God's timing, I know deep in my heart that everything happens for a reason. But I am only human and cannot help but wonder, "why now?"

I have been an official stay at home mom for almost 4 months now and it has been quite an adjustment, for all of us. But we are making it work and I love every moment of it, even the moments where you make me crazy.

I have been doing some serious soul searching and trying to figure things out. Last Sunday, we went to church and the speaker said EXACTLY what I needed to hear.

Since I became a SAHM, I have often wondered how bills would be paid, how ends would be met, I have feared for the future. I have only been maintaining the present because I am afraid. I should be engaging it, engaging both of you! Enjoying each and every precious moment because the time passes so quickly and I refuse to have any regrets when I look back on this time we have shared.

After Ava's first birthday, I will be opening an Etsy shop. I am terrified, but I know that God is going to bless this venture because it is something He placed on my heart in July of 2012! He will make a way, it may not be the way I want it to happen, but it WILL happen!

Trust in the Lord, my beautiful babies! He will provide, He will protect and He will guide each and every single one of your steps. I know this, because He has done it for me. As I look back, I can see all the times He closed a door on an opportunity only to provide me with something EVEN BETTER!

The desires of your heart will be given to you, you just have to wait on God's timing!

Love you!!


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